Steampunk Journal, The Old Curiosity Shop


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There is a part of us in each piece of art that we make and create, sometimes it is more obvious and plain to see, sometimes it is subtle, our own perspective. We may have the slightest variation from another’s point of view that can make our take on a collective experience unique – we were standing a little to the side, or the sun was in our eyes, perhaps something we have already read influences us, or just the flitting by of a distant memory upon our subconscious at the exact moment two people see or experience the same thing – that makes this an entirely unique-to-you memory, and you will draw from this memory a different set of thought patterns and feelings to anybody else.

The Old Curiosity Shop is laced and woven with tiny details and thoughts of my past, and the dusty corners of memory. It brushes many of the influences of my childhood and draws its existence from people I have met and known, and places I have been, both real and imagined.

Amongst the machinery of this journal, unfolding page by page, is the curiosity of childhood, of adulthood, of the individual in us, the advocate to the view of a forward thinking, forward moving humanity, as Mr Wells aptly says, “our true nationality is mankind.” It is the experiences that have molded my particular view of what has passed and what is coming, things I have wondered about, the questions that moved me, the experiences that drove me here instead of there, that made me question even more.

The journal is one person’s personal record and her effort to pass it on after her own part in the story is over, to keep the journey alive, since it is not the journey of one person’s life, but a journey of discovery. It is an offering of her experiences and knowledge, so that another may share her ideas and may continue the cycle of asking “how” and “why” and “what if?” It is a silent collection of memories, a hope of betterment, a story without words.

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